Easter & Anzac Day Trading Hours


Thursday 17 April 2025        8.00am to 5.00pm

Good Friday 18 April 2025                 Closed


Easter Saturday 19 April 2025           Closed


Easter Monday 21 April 2025             Closed


Tuesday 22 April 2022         8.00am to 5.00pm


Wednesday 23 April 2025    8.00am to 5.00pm


Thursday 24 April 2025        8.00am to 5.00pm


Friday 25 April 2025                     Closed


Saturday 26 April 2025        8.00am to Noon


Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Saturday 8am-Noon

 Sunday Closed


Your #1 Source for Rural Supplies, Gardening and More

Cobargo Co-operative is a community-owned enterprise that has been operating since 1900. Originally a butter factory, the Co-op has diversified to supply the local community with a vast range of products.

Visit today to check out all of the following:

  • Rural supplies encompassing everything from stock feed, drenches, chemicals and fertiliser to fencing, rainwater tanks and irrigation.
  • A comprehensive garden centre well known for its wide range of plants and as a source of rare and unusual varieties. Qualified horticulturalists are on hand to assist with choices for your garden situation.
  • A Thrifty Link Hardware providing a selection of paint, plumbing and general hardware supplies.
  • Petrol and Diesel 

Products from Leading Brands

Bushman Tanks, Redback Boots, Arrow Farmquip and Thunderbird Electric Fencing are just some of the many brands stocked. Friendly staff are on hand to provide practical advice and information.

So what are you waiting for? Whether you’re repairing your fence, stocking up on feed or getting your garden ready, visit Cobargo Co-op today!

Our History

The Cobargo Co-op has been a fixture in the community in one form or another since 1900, and we’re trying to preserve the history before it becomes lost. If you have any information, especially old photographs of the Co-op in earlier years, we would love to hear your stories and see your photos.

Here’s what we know about our history: 

The Cobargo Co-op began as a butter factory on the Cobargo-Bermagui roadside in November 1901. It was known as The Cobargo District Cooperative Creamery Butter Company Limited at the time, and its first directors were Frederick George Roberts, George Edmond Smith, Daniel Tarlinton, Francis William Tarlinton, James Tarlinton, Thomas Tarlinton and Robert Welsh, all of Cobargo. Within 12 months, the Co-op had 50 farm suppliers.

The original factory burned down in the mid 1920’s and was replaced in 1927 by the building which still stands today on Bermagui Road.

In 1951, the name was changed to Cobargo Co-operative Society Limited.

As you can see, there are many gaps in this history. We would love your assistance to fill some of those gaps. Please contact us today if you know more.

Contact Us to Learn More!

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